Daily bread (5)

Matthew 6:11 Give us this day our daily bread After Jesus met Peter’s need that day (Luke 5:1-7), he got a lifetime package. Everyday he spent with Jesus, he experienced the supernatural and always had his need met. Your victory and testimony shall not be once in a while! Daily, the Lord will meet your…

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Daily bread (4)

Matthew 6:11 Give us this day our daily bread Still on Luke chapter 5:1-7, I wondered what Peter would have been thinking having caught nothing. What will he tell his wife? How is he going to take care of his family etc. But an encounter with Jesus gave him testimony instead of story. The Lord…

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Daily bread (3)

Daily Bread (3) Matthew 6:11 Give us this day our daily bread. Luke 5:1-7, Peter and the other fishermen were diligently working to feed their families, but they got no result! In the name of Jesus I rebuke every effort waster! Your efforts for livelihood shall not be thwarted!   The Lord that helped Peter…

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