Understanding demonic activities (7)

Topic: Understanding demonic activities (7) Text: John 8:32 Let’s continue study as we look at Vexation. This means attack at intervals. An example can be seen in Matt 17:14-18. Reflection: Have a critical study and see if there’s any pattern or any occurrence coming at intervals? Why do you fall sick when you have money? What…

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Understanding demonic activities (6)

Topic: Understanding demonic activities(6) Text: John 8:32 Before we continue our study on demonic activities, it’s wise to note the following: 1. Not all attacks are natural, some are demonic. 2. Not all attacks are demonic, some are result of our negligence or vulnerability (being lazy, prayerless, not knowing the truth etc). Our duty to…

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Understanding Demonic Activities (4)

Topic: Understanding demonic activities (4) Text: John 8:32 Before we consider oppression which is the last stage of demonic activities, let’s consider other variants of demonic work as taught by Daddy Adeboye and established in the scripture. Repression: This is when demons are not only sitting on someone, but also pressing or pushing down the…

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Understand demonic activities (2)

Topic: Understanding demonic activities (2) Text: John 8:32   Basically, demonic operations are classified into 3, namely; 1. Obsession 2. Oppression 3. Possession Please note, a believer (truly born again) cannot be possessed but can be obsessed or oppressed depending on his or her level of exposure to and understanding of the truth.   Obsession:…

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Understanding demonic activities

Topic: Understanding demonic activities Text: John 8:32   Facts to settle: 1. Life is spiritual, many things or results that we see have been settled in the realm of the spirit. 2. The devil is not as powerful as he shows himself, don’t be deceived! 3. Your level of deliverance or Victor is a function…

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